Kota Black Limestone is commonly found in the form of sedimentary limestone rocks. High quality limestone is primarily composed of calcium carbonate in the form of calcite or aragonite. Kota Black Limestone is tusked as a building stone and in the manufacture of lime, carbon dioxide and cement. It is known for its great strength as it does not blister upon exposing it to water. Natural limestone is oil resistant and non-slippery, therefore, well suited for flooring and paving purposes.
Kota Black Limestone can be also be used in any weather, as extreme degree of temperature, cold or hot, hardly affects the color and texture of limestone. Kota Black limestone in known to fade and must be sealed to maintain its colour. When faded, it still looks beautiful with a colour varition ranging from black to bluish grey. It is generally used as limestone tiles, limestone blocks, limestone slabs, limestone chips in flooring, wall cladding, countertops, fireplace mantels and for pavement of floors of large commercial complexes, hospitals, airports, shopping malls, railway stations, parks etc.
This limestone can be cut and reshaped easily and thus, find extensive use in commercial and residential construction projects all across the world. Properties like excellent stain removability, hardness and resistance to high temperatures makes it apt for both interior and exterior designing applications.
Physical Properties: Quite impervious, hard, compact, fine to very fine grained calcareous rocks of sedimentary nature.
Hardness - 3 to 4 on Moh's Scale
Density - 2.5 to 2.65 kg/m3
Compressive Strength - 1800 to 2100 Kg/cm2
Water Absorption - Less than 1%
Porosity - Quite Low
Water Impact - Resistant (Below 1%)
Weather Impact - High Resistant
Chemical Properties: A siliceous calcium carbonate rock.
Lime (CaO) - 34-42%
Silica (SiO2) - 20-25%
Alumina (Al2O3) - 2-4%
Other Oxides like Na, Mg - 1.5 to 2.5%
Loss of Ignition (LOI) - 30-32%
Like marble and other calcareous stones, are referred to as acid sensitive. Calcareous stones are readily dissolved in acid, therefore acidic products should not be used on limestone.
Other Names:
Kotah Limestone, Kadapa Black, Cuddapah Black, Madras Black Limestone, Midnight Black, Lime Black, K Black Limestone
Square Cut Flagstone Pavers:
Kota Black natural Indian limestone paving stones are available in various sizes to suit your outdoor project needs. These Kota Black slabs would bring modern and lavish look to your garden or patio. These mid-grey slabs would compliment the traditional and contemporary surroundings. These limestones are weather and slip resistance with smooth surface and square cut sawn finished edges.
300 x 300 mm / 30 x 30 cm (12 x 12 inches)
450 x 450 mm / 45 x 45 cm (18 x 18 inches)
600 x 300 mm / 60 x 30 cm (24 x 12 inches)
600 x 450 mm / 60 x 45 cm (24 x 18 inches)
600 x 600 mm / 60 x 60 cm (24 x 24 inches)
900 x 450 mm / 90 x 45 cm (36 x 18 inches)
900 x 600 mm / 90 x 60 cm (36 x 24 inches)
Finishes: Natural, Calibrated, Honed, Polished, Bush Hammered & Flamed
Edges: All Edges Machine Cut
Forms: Random Shaped Flagstone, Square Cut Flagstone, Tiles, Slabs, Cobbles
Standard Thicknes: 15 mm, 20 mm, 22 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, 50 mm
Hand Cut Flagstone Pavers:
Kota Black natural Indian limestone paving stones are available in various sizes to suit your outdoor project needs. Except for the edges which are hand cut and dressed by a chisel, it is same as the above Square Cut Flagstone Pavers. These Kota Black hand cut slabs would bring modern and lavish look to your garden or patio. These mid-grey slabs would compliment the traditional and contemporary surroundings. These limestones are weather and slip resistance with a hand dressed finished edges.
300 x 300 mm / 30 x 30 cm (12 x 12 inches)
450 x 450 mm / 45 x 45 cm (18 x 18 inches)
600 x 300 mm / 60 x 30 cm (24 x 12 inches)
600 x 450 mm / 60 x 45 cm (24 x 18 inches)
600 x 600 mm / 60 x 60 cm (24 x 24 inches)
900 x 450 mm / 90 x 45 cm (36 x 18 inches)
900 x 600 mm / 90 x 60 cm (36 x 24 inches)
Finishes: Natural, Calibrated, Honed, Polished, Bush Hammered & Flamed
Edges: All Edges Hand Cut
Forms: Random Shaped Flagstone, Hand Cut Edge Flagstone, Tiles, Slabs, Cobbles
Standard Thicknes: 15 mm, 20 mm, 22 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, 50 mm
Wall Coping:
1200x300x50 mm / 120x30 cm (48 x 12 inches)
1200x350x50 mm / 120x35 cm (48 x 14 inches)
1200x400x50 mm / 120x40 cm (48 x 16 inches)
1500x300x50 mm / 150x30 cm (60 x 12 inches)
1500x350x50 mm / 150x35 cm (60 x 14 inches)
1500x400x50 mm / 150x40 cm (60 x 16 inches)
1800x300x50 mm / 180x30 cm (72 x 12 inches)
1800x350x50 mm / 180x35 cm (72 x 14 inches)
1800x400x50 mm / 180x40 cm (72 x 16 inches)
2100x300x50 mm / 210x30 cm (84 x 12 inches)
2100x350x50 mm / 210x35 cm (84 x 14 inches)
2100x400x50 mm / 210x40 cm (84 x 16 inches)
2400x300x50 mm / 240x30 cm (96 x 12 inches)
2400x350x50 mm / 240x35 cm (96 x 14 inches)
2400x400x50 mm / 240x40 cm (96 x 16 inches)
Finishes: Natural, Calibrated, Honed, Polished, Bush Hammered & Flamed
Edges: 1 Long Rockface + 3 Machine Cut, 2 Long Rockface + 2 Machine Cut, 3 Edges Rockface + 1 Long Machine Cut or All Edges Rockfaced
Forms: Rectangular Cut Coping, Edging Tiles, Slabs
Standard Thicknes: 22 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, 50 mm, 75mm
Pool Coping:
1200x300x50 mm / 120x30 cm (48 x 12 inches)
1200x350x50 mm / 120x35 cm (48 x 14 inches)
1200x400x50 mm / 120x40 cm (48 x 16 inches)
1500x300x50 mm / 150x30 cm (60 x 12 inches)
1500x350x50 mm / 150x35 cm (60 x 14 inches)
1500x400x50 mm / 150x40 cm (60 x 16 inches)
1800x300x50 mm / 180x30 cm (72 x 12 inches)
1800x350x50 mm / 180x35 cm (72 x 14 inches)
1800x400x50 mm / 180x40 cm (72 x 16 inches)
Finishes: Natural, Calibrated, Honed, Polished, Bush Hammered & Flamed
Edges: 1 Long Bullnose + 3 Machine Cut, 2 Long Bullnose + 2 Machine Cut or All Edges Bullnose
Forms: Rectangular Cut Coping, Edging Tiles, Slabs
Standard Thicknes: 30 mm, 50 mm, 75mm
Pier Cap:
Kota Black Limestone Pier Caps are the stones that cap pillars or gate columns. They can be a cap on their own or be a base for a ball finial, light (drilled hole) or other feature to stand on. They are used to protect the pier from weather damage, as well as please the eye. Kota Black Limestone pillar caps are usually made to be wider than the pier they fit om. The amount of extra width depends on the design, but approximately 2 inches on all four sides at the bottom edge is normal. The overall width may exceed this, depending on design. The bottom surface of Kota Black pier caps is Calibrated.
400 x 400 mm / 40 x 40 cm (16 x 16 inches)
450 x 450 mm / 45 x 45 cm (18 x 18 inches)
500 x 500 mm / 50 x 50 cm (20 x 20 inches)
600 x 600 mm / 60 x 60 cm (24 x 24 inches)
700 x 700 mm / 70 x 70 cm (28 x 28 inches)
750 x 750 mm / 75 x 75 cm (30 x 30 inches)
800 x 800 mm / 80 x 80 cm (32 x 32 inches)
900 x 900 mm / 90 x 90 cm (36 x 36 inches)
Finishes: Natural, Calibrated, Honed, Polished, Bush Hammered & Flamed
Edges: All Edges Rockface, All Edges Bullnose or All Edges Straight Cut
Forms: Square Cut Caps, Pier Caps, Pillar Caps, Pillar Tops, Pillar Covers, Column Caps, Column Tops, Column Covers
Standard Thicknes: 50 mm, 75mm (2, 3 inches)
Kota Black Limestone Cobbles area a popular choice to add contrast to your garden within planted gardens as the dark slabs offer a contrast to floral areas and turf. With a colour that unless sealed soon after installation, will gently fade to a charcoal grey, it is very distinctive and will create a modern look. Black Limestone cobbles are basically the same as the Limestone paving only cut into smaller pieces. Cut from smaller blocks of stone they naturally capture more of a mixture of different colours resulting in an attractive and highly functional sandstone product. An ideal application would be for courtyards, driveways, paths and patios, when laid on an adequate sub-base and mortar bed.
Finishes: Natural, Calibrated, Honed, Polished, Bush Hammered & Flamed
Edges: All Edges Hand Cut, All Edges Straight Cut
Forms: Square Cubes, Rectangular Cubes, Square Cobble Stones, Rectangular Cobble Stones
Standard Thicknes: 50 mm, 75mm, 100mm (2, 3, 4 inches)
1200x300x150 mm / 120x30 cm (48 x 12 inches)
1200x350x150 mm / 120x35 cm (48 x 14 inches)
1200x400x150 mm / 120x40 cm (48 x 16 inches)
1500x300x150 mm / 150x30 cm (60 x 12 inches)
1500x350x150 mm / 150x35 cm (60 x 14 inches)
1500x400x150 mm / 150x40 cm (60 x 16 inches)
1800x300x150 mm / 180x30 cm (72 x 12 inches)
1800x350x150 mm / 180x35 cm (72 x 14 inches)
1800x400x150 mm / 180x40 cm (72 x 16 inches)
2100x300x150 mm / 210x30 cm (84 x 12 inches)
2100x350x150 mm / 210x35 cm (84 x 14 inches)
2100x400x150 mm / 210x40 cm (84 x 16 inches)
2400x300x150 mm / 240x30 cm (96 x 12 inches)
2400x350x150 mm / 240x35 cm (96 x 14 inches)
2400x400x150 mm / 240x40 cm (96 x 16 inches)
Finishes: Natural, Calibrated, Honed, Polished, Bush Hammered & Flamed
Edges: All Edges Rockface or 3 Edges Rockface and 1 Long Machine Cut
Forms: Rectangular Slabs, Lintels, Steps, Stair Steps
Standard Thicknes: 150 mm (6 inches)
Edge Coping:
Rebated Coping:
Jumbo Slabs:
Steps Fillers:
Window & Door Sills:
Fireplace Mantles & Hearths:
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